Finding the right Schema Therapy Supervisor and Trainer in Washington, DC.

Paul DelGrosso • May 26, 2021
Photo by Sofia Alejandra from Pexels

A pattern of negative behaviors that an individual repeats over and over again throughout the course of their adult life, or displaying self-defeating behaviors is when Schema Therapy (a form of Psychotherapy) treatment is used.  Schema Therapy was developed by Jeffrey Young for conditions that did not respond well to traditional forms of psychotherapy. 


Schema Therapy will assist in helping clients meet their most basic emotional needs by diminishing the strength (intensity) of emotional memories and re-aligning the cognitive patterns connected to the schema.  We all have a unique mix of schemas that are both healthy and problematic. If the problematic schemas are severe they can lead to chronic life problems across many life domains (including relationships, work/school functioning, self-confidence, and sense of self).

When considering a mental health professional, it’s important to determine how their services can successfully help you safely and effectively navigate your particular situation.  In addition to being an
advanced certified schema therapist, I also offers schema therapy training

As a schema therapy supervisor and trainer, I have the experience, education, and training to even work with professionals in the field.  I am conveniently located and offer my schema therapist, family therapist, trauma therapy, and family therapy in my Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, DC locations so if you are in these areas, I could be the right supervisor and trainer for you.

I encourage individuals in the field to sign up to get updates on Schema Therapy training opportunities for psychotherapists. 

If you have worked with a Psychotherapist in the past and looking for a Schema Therapy Professional in the Washington, DC area, I can help.

I am an Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer and am a member of the International Society of Schema Therapy

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